The two-dollar bargaining game: Round 2!

Round 2 of this game was a lot more intense. We changed partners and cards. This time I had to be ruthless and get the most I could, that is the $2. I argued for the two dollars saying I needed to pay for a place to sleep that night. My partner also wanted the $2 but for no reason at all, except maybe the satisfaction of picking the bill off the ground and being able to say she found it. She was equally ruthless. 

In the end, we compromised: I let her pick up the $2 off the ground in exchange for a place to sleep. So even though I didn’t physically get the $2 bill I got something in exchange for it. 

When we are facing an opponent who needs the same thing we do and is as unwavering as we are, the negotiation may rapidly escalate. I felt the tension rising between us, and it made me furious that she had no argument whatsoever to support her claim for the $2, even though this was all a simulation. 

Finally, she compromised by letting me stay at her place in exchange for the 2$, but she still got the credit for getting them. We were able to enlarge the parameters of the negotiation in order to come to an agreement of sorts.

I couldn't help but feel defeated even though I got what I needed in the end. It goes to show the power money represents and how bad we want to hold on to it even when at first we came into the simulation not understanding why we were arguing over such a small amount of money.


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